Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sometimes I wonder why people don't have a god. I mean, it's obviously a choice. But I just wonder how it feels like not having a strong belief, that feeling to grip onto when you get lost.

I'm not saying I'm as religious as it may seem. I'm not. I might sin more than I think I do. Some would say why should you believe in one, if you don't even treat your god the way you're supposed to? When you only run or use Him if you need to. That is one point. But knowing there's always something to keep, isn't that comforting? I'm not giving any judgment or fault. I'm just wondering. I would like to know how it feels like. You keep losing things in the human world. Even faith for each other. Maybe one thing you can try to hold on to for chances of help is faith to the Unseen. Maybe, just maybe. Well as it is for me, I don't usually receive help in the form of a helping hand. I see them more as the presence of supposedly little inconspicuous things showing up to tell me to be a tiny bit more grateful. Because the feeling of content, makes me feel better. Smiling, is a gifted gift, I say. And that, is the state I'm in.

Invisible Presence, No?
10/07/2012 04:11:00 AM

Invisible Presence, No?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I see people struggle to win themselves a place for their future
Yet there’s people who still can’t sense how close the borderline is
and choose to stick with their playtime and defer accomplishments

I envy people who get what they want and clearly not what they need without even having to make an effort to earn it
Yet there’s people who strive for it expecting all the hard work would pay off but just to find they didn’t work hard enough to get it

I find that friends could love you just the same as lovers could, or could care more
Yet I don’t get why there’s people obsessed with love, assuring themeselves that without being with a lover, you’d be stuck with loneliness

I know people who pretty much have enough things to be content with
Yet they keep messing with others to get more of what they already have, not considering of how that would negatively affect the person

I sense people who secretly dislike others and often talk behind their backs
Yet they smile widely and give hugs to them when they’re around

I see people who takes advantages of cyberspace especially those social networks
Yet they pretend to forget that there’s reality and what to do with it

I keep hearing people complain about anything at all
Yet it’s clear enough they would regret having complained about it

I feel like people shift apart in circles
Yet they only come to other circles when they’re desperately in need

People. The world. Ever thought about more shame for us all to fall into?
Needless to say, I may be drowning in one or more of these. You definitely are too. 
Then who would reach out a hand to get us all out?

4/25/2012 02:17:00 AM


Thursday, March 8, 2012


Repeating the words that got tossed to my face..
How they barged in, trying to get to my senses,
But only a few made it there.
With no room for hope but rather enough for suspense
It wasn't getting anywhere

Free falling, shakes and trembles
How I never thought I would see such motions
A surprise for a show of fragility
The air danced in party of bursting emotions
Feeling lifted, carried further from reality
But no, the heart knows that you're actually drawn closer

The sunrise I had in mind hid behind another mountain
That mountain may belong to you, I suppose
For you see much more light on that other side
Speaks of confusion, but showing wills to impose
Knowing you must, but still buried in fright
What did you expect me to do?

Have you come across how my theories work?
In the end, still looking for something to blame
Because I was demanded to obey and believe
What's best based on your previous shame
At all cause neither ways trot to relieve
So what's the use of all this rain?

You know, you want, you think.
They know more, they say they told me so.
I knew nothing. Still knows nothing.
Except for questions and wonders,
asks of plots and aims of the show.

But there's no use to continue the bawl
Poor behavior and mental friction
Creates the idea that came from an oddball
Hence permanent contradiction
Is the reason to approve the fall
But why am I still to whine in distress?

I still know what I want.
I still want what I wanted.
Without thinking what I would really want
Once I wake up to reality

So hurry and shock me
Make me jump out of this armed seat
I'm overwhelmed in defeat
But the buckles are loosened one by one
A little more, then they'll let me run

So I start to brighten as I hold
Preparing for the go
Although everything's still cold
I settle for a good night sleep
Strengthening the will to break this mold
Trying to.. want nothing more to keep
Even for a moment so young, barely deep

3/08/2012 09:54:00 AM


Sunday, March 4, 2012

This year started out so well, it feels somewhat faulty. Expectations no longer disappoint me. I've learned to cope with worries that cause panic. Closest ones are still dependable. Point is, less things burden me. But how come I still look up to the cons on every good thing? They do say, man can never live up to satisfaction.

I've always been an observer. I hold critiques inside me. That's probably why I get too sensitive and get easily worried most of the time. I think too much of negative possibilities. I think a lot of how things should and should not be. But in some way, I believe this helps to turn to a better understanding person. But it sucks to judge so much. And it sucks to think about people's judgments so often. That is what I have realized. Lately, I have cared too much about what people may think of what I do, who I'm with, what I think, and how I act. I need to catch up with myself. This thing inside me is half full, rather than half empty.
3/04/2012 12:33:00 PM
